Paleo Snacking

Well, it’s officially that time of year. Everyone is making a resolution to trim down, get to the gym, and shed those holiday pounds. It happens every January and it seems that by the end of February, everyone has given up. It’s a vicious cycle that we’ve all been a part of at one time or another. The first month of the year is so invigorating; we feel like we have a unique opportunity to start fresh, try something new, and really succeed. Unfortunately, we generally fall short when our busy schedules, lack of self-control, and general laziness takes over.

What makes you fall off the wagon? There are so many opportunities for us to “cheat” every day. When the 2 o’clock cravings start kicking in, it’s pretty easy to stroll through the break room, grab a handful of mini chocolate chip cookies, and pretend it never happened.

The best way to combat this situation? Have an arsenal of snacks at your disposal that are filling, nutrient dense, and taste fantastic. If you have a healthier option available, you are more likely to make a better choice. Over the next few days, I’ll be posting loads of fantastic snack ideas that are simple, delicious, and most importantly, are great alternatives to the processed junk we often end up consuming. But before we get to the recipes, I’ve come up with a list of basic snack choices that require no preparation. Stock your pantry with these staples and you’ll be well on your way to a healthier 2015!

Paleo Snacks

Here’s a link to the Paleo Snacks list as a .PDF. It’s great to print out and put front and center on your refrigerator – that way you’ll have a go-to when you want something quick.

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